Player Spotlight: Landon Riker

This season Seattle Studs have gotten a huge production out of their CF #10 Landon Riker from Vanguard University. Riker Currently leads the league in AVG (.402), HR (7) and RBI (35).  

Landon recently sat down to answer some questions about playing in the PIL

Question – What has been the biggest factor that has led to your success thus far?
Riker – “Most likely hard work, I’ve attended college for four and a half years and been working working really hard over the last ten while staying relaxed and focused, mainly just trying to have fun.”

Question – What school do you go to?
Riker – “I attend Vanguard University in Southern California, I just recently graduated form there”

Question – How has playing for the Studs influenced your path as a ballplayer?
Riker – “Playing for the Studs has definitely impacted my path as a ballplayer a lot because I mean we show up, work hard and the main goal is to win along with staying relaxed and focused.”

Question – What has been your best memory while playing the PIL?
Riker – “Back in 2017 we won the Grand Forks Invitational on a walk-off! Even though it was a roll over ground ball, it was my teammate and he is probably the funniest guy I’ve ever met in my entire life so it was really great to see him come through in that moment.”